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Item Preparation and Tagging Guide



As you prepare your items, BE PICKY! QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Please note we have a maximum of 250 items to consign. We will be thoroughly inspecting all items at drop off, so make sure you examine each item as if you were a shopper. Spending a little time getting your items ready for the sale will help make you the most MOOLAH. The following guidelines will assist you in your preparation.

Inspection procedures will be used this sale to thoroughly check for stains after items are dropped off. Stains don’t sell, take up space on our sales floor, increase the work load, and hurt our sales reputation which impacts each consignor. So do your part and check thoroughly for stains before you bring them to our sale. Natural light by a window is best.


We will be initiating this sale a requirement that consignors must sell a minimum of 60% of their items in order to continue

participating at our events,

but you should be aiming to sell a much higher percentage. We want you to be as successful as possible at our sale. 
With a limit to how many consignors we can accept, preference needs go to those who are serious about selling. We have received feedback from many shoppers that they have seen an increase in pricing and decrease in quality for some of the consignors. Those are the items that remain on our sales floor, or get pulled off the sales floor and increase the work load for the Moo Crew Workers. 
So how can you improve? Price reasonably, choose to discount, and be more particular on the quality and wear of your items.  Also, be sure that your inventory list is accurate and you are bringing all items to the sale. If you choose to not sell an item, be sure to take it out of your inventory list so that the sell through percentage does not get decreased by items that were not brought to the sale.

Please view the following video from one of our seasoned consignors explaining tips on how to price to sell!

  • Hangers for clothing (wire hangers preferred but not necessary, plastic is allowed)

  • Safety pins 1 inch in size or larger for attaching tags to items

  • Zip Ties for grouping things together or attaching items to hangers

  • Clear packing tape for attaching tags to toys, gear, etc. (no scotch tape)

  • Painters tape for attaching tags to books

  • Zip-loc bags for packaging groups of items together

  • White cardstock paper (110 lb paper) for tags- no other colors

  • Inkjet or laser printer for printing tags (do not change the size of the tags)

  • Pink Ribbon for boutique items

  • Fine Needle Tagging Gun is suggested to make tagging clothes easier

  • Use the Unaccepted Item List to see what Moo La La will not sell


Pricing can be intimidating- but the golden rule is to sell it for what YOU

would pay for it. We suggest around the 25-40% of retail mark for all

items, fluctuating closer to 40% if the item is brand new or in excellent

condition. Keep in mind that shoppers are looking for great deals, so price

affordably and aim to sell a minimum of 80% of your items that you bring.

If you sell less, you may want to adjust pricing or quality that you bring to

future sales. We want you to be profitable for the time you put into

the sale. Choose to Discount your items to go half off on

Discount Day to maximize the amount of moolah you can make! 


All items need to be inputted into our easy to use online system. The deadline to enter or edit items is THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th at 11:59pm. After that time, you will be able to print the tags, but will not be able to add, edit or delete items.

  1. Login to the Consignor Homepage by clicking on Consignor Login at top left of the menu bar.

  2. Click on the MENU then scroll down to WORK WITH CONSIGNED INVENTORY

  3. Click on ADD ITEMS and choose what format you will be using. Tip: Mobile Voice Entry helps to speed along the process. You can find the instructions on the Mobile Voice Entry.

  4. Fill out the form for each item

    • Category- select the category that best describes the item​

    • Size- choose the correct size if applicable (clothes and shoes are separated). The numbers at the beginning are placed there for the computer system to keep the sizes in numerical order. The size is the LAST number I.e. (14) 12 months,  [shoes11]  7 (Bold number are the correct size)

    • Description- Start with brand of item if possible, then add details such as what the item is, color, pattern, pieces included. Good descriptions help us to locate an item better if the tag gets lost. ( I.e. GAP  navy polka dot dress with bloomers). Try to think how others would identify it/label it if the tag is lost.

    • Price- all items must be priced greater than $2.00 in 50cent increments. See the pricing guide above to help you price to sell!

    • Quantity- it you are selling more than one of the exact same item, you can increase the quantity here.

    • Discount-check this box if you would like your item to be discounted 50% at our discount day sale on the last day of the event (and the consignor discount day presale the night before). We highly recommend choosing this option to maximize your profits and not take home any of the items that you brought to the sale!

    • Donate- check this box if you would like to donate your unsold item to amazing non-profit organizations that assist infants, children, and local foster families. You will be able to print a donation report at the end of our event that will list all the items that you chose to donate and you can use this for tax purposes.

    • Click Submit for the item

  5. Print Tags by returning to the Consignor Inventory Menu and Print Tags. Tags MUST be printed on WHITE CARD STOCK. You can choose to print all tags or just selected tags. Be sure that the barcode is at the bottom of each tag. If you find that the barcode is missing, try clicking on Print All Tags PDF which should fix this issue. Tags can be printed after the tagging deadline, but cannot be edited.

  6. Cut all the tags and place on the correct item!

  7. Tagging Tip- when entering items into the system, place categories together and group sizes together to speed the process. 


After each day of sales the SOLD ITEMS report should be available for you to view. Please be patient, some nights are late for us and we get the reports loaded as soon as we possibly can. At the end of the event, you will be able to access your Sold Items, Sellers Report with the correct percentage that you earned depending on your Moo Crew Shifts, and your Donation Report if you donated any unsold inventory.


  • Place all garments on hangers with the hook facing to the left- like a question mark ? Pants must be pinned with LARGE safety pins to the TOP of the hanger and NOT the bottom- be sure they don't slide to one side. PRO TIP: use small zip ties through belt loops to secure pants to hangers.

  • Attach tags with a 1 inch safety pin to the upper right front of the garment as you are facing it. Larger safety pins will leave holes and we will not be able to accept the items to sell.

  • If using a fine-needle tagging gun– attach the tag on the underside seam of the right armpit or on the garments label on at the neckline. DO NOT use tagging guns through the front of the garment. This will leave large holes and we will not accept the items to sell.

  • All clothing must be FREE OF STAINS and no holes or tears. For sizes under 12 months (12months and 12-18months is NOT INCLUDED) there is a limit to 50 items per gender.

  • Clothing must be hung on plastic or wire hangers. Hangers will not be returned to consignors.

  • CLOTHING SETS or MULTIPLES- secure together by hanging the shirt first on the hanger. Turn around and pin the second item “back to back” – making sure to catch the hanger with the safety pin. For multiple similar items such as onesies, pin each item through the shoulder and then attach to the hanger using one large safety pin. Try to go through seams to avoid holes in the garment.

  • Pin any items to the hanger if they have a tendency to slip off.

  • Small accessories that go with an outfit, such as tights, socks, belts, and hair bows allow you to increase the selling price. Place these items in a zip-loc bag, secure the opening with packaging tape and pin or zip tie to the hanger. Please include on the tag description that the item includes accessories.

  • Boutique Items can be identified with tying a pink ribbon around the top of your hanger to maximize your re-sale. Boutique items are high end brands or specialty brands that are not found at our common chain stores. Examples are Tea Collection, Persnickety, Matilda Jane, L’oved Baby, Rylee+Cru,  Kickee Pants, Milkbarn, etc. 

  • Take time to clean your toys! All fabric parts should be freshly washed and reattached. Wipe down all surfaces. Goo Gone and Magic Erasers work well on crayon marks and scuffs.

  • Attach tags to toys with clear packing tape or use a zip tie to attach. Zip tied tags should be reinforced on the top with packing tape, punch a hole in through the taped tag, then attach. This helps to keep the tag from ripping off. Place small toys in a zip-loc bag, secure the top closed with packing tape and attach tag to the outside of the bag with a stapler or tape.

  • Games must have ALL pieces and boxes must be taped closed with clear packing tape.  Wooden puzzles should be packaged to show that all pieces are present. PRO TIP: put the wooden puzzle together and use plastic wrap to securely wrap the entire puzzle then secure the end with packing tape.

  • Books can be grouped together or sold separately. Place grouped books in a zip-loc bag, secure the opening of bag with packaging tape and attach tag to outside of the bag. For single books, place the tag on the front cover of the book with packing tape or blue painters tape which is easier to remove without tearing. Do not use ribbon or string to tie sets of books together.

  •  If toys require a battery, make sure it is included. All functions will be checked at time of drop off to ensure a good working condition.

  • DVD, CD’s, and Electronic Games should be placed in the case. They should be inspected for scratches and correct packaging at drop off, THEN they can be taped shut with packing tape. NO R RATED MOVIES OR VHS will be accepted.

  • Gaming Systems(X-Box, PlayStations etc.), Tablets(Kindles, Leap Frogs, etc.) MUST be placed in a CLEAR LIDDED BIN and MUST have ALL passwords wiped clean from the devices in order to allow for the new buyer to have full access.



Want to make the most moolah for your equipment or furniture? MAKE SURE IT IS CLEAN!!! Strollers, playards, and car seats are big sellers but shoppers pass by the items that have not been cleaned or we simply pull them off the floor if they do not meet our standards.

Attach tag temporarily to the item and we will provide large tearable claim tickets after inspecting the item.

Most fabric parts of equipment can be removed and washed. If the fabric is not removable, take time scrub it by hand. We will not accept equipment with any stains, tears, holes, or missing parts.

  • Furniture- must be infant or child related items. Free of excessive wear/damage. Cribs will be checked for teething marks (touch up paint works wonders!). Cribs must be manufactured after June 2011.

  • Swings, Exersaucers, Bouncer Seats- all fabric should be washed and reattached. Working batteries must be in all if they utilize batteries. Swings should have the plug attached.

  • Car Seats- must be no older than 4 years old (check manufacture date on seat) or have minimum of 2 years before the expiration date LABELED on the seat. No after market accessories should be included and consignors must verify that the seats have not been in any car accidents and you must be the original owner.

  • Playards/Pack n Plays- Playards and Pack n Plays must be clean with no excessive staining. We understand that the pads and mesh siding are not able to be removed and washed, so try scrubbing by hand to remove spots. Be sure to open up the playard and clean the side walls if needed, many times that area is missed during cleaning.

  • Strollers- Please be sure to clean strollers prior to inspection. Excessive stains, sun damage, tears, holes, missing straps, and/or flat tires will not be accepted. Please leave the stale goldfish crackers at home ; )

Here is an example of a stroller that would NOT be accepted because of the following:

  • Excessive stains on both the foot rest & sides of stroller

  • Gripping on the stroller bar is ripped and peeling

  • Tire tubes are flat- ALL stroller tires must have air as well as functioning tire tubes at drop off.

  • Place small items or groupings of items that belong together in a zip-loc bag with tag attached to outside of the bag with clear packing tape. Tape the top with clear packaging tape. We want to make sure no little items get out and misplaced.

  • Hats can just have the tag pinned directly on, as we hang most on clothesline displays.

  • All carriers and wraps must be hung on a hanger. Plastic adult hangers work best for these because of the weight. Zip tie carrier straps to the top of the hanger to secure the item.

  • Wraps can be draped over the bottom of the hanger and pinned in place so it doesn’t slip off.

  • If you prefer to attach the bag or box, please zip tie the box to the hanger.

  • Tags should be reinforced on the top with tape, hole punched, then zip tied to the carrier if at all possible.


  • Shoes must be in great condition, free from signs of major wear. Scuffs can be removed from shoes with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. SHOES MUST HAVE NO SCUFFS ON THE TOPS OF THE TOES! Shoppers are super picky with shoes- so bring your best!

  • All shoes MUST be zip-tied together with tags attached to the zip-tie directly. See pictures below.

You will need packing tape, a zip tie,  a hole punch, and your tag printed on white card stock. Place packing tape over the TOP portion of the tag and punch a hole.The tape will prevent the tag from bring ripped and separated from the shoes themselves. Zip tie through the hole and secure to the shoes.   

Infant shoes or shoes without laces that cannot be zip-tied together may be placed in zip-loc bags with tag attached to the outside of the bag and bag securely taped shut.




  • Place in a large clear bag. If original package is not available, we recommend XL and XXL sized Zip-loc bags (can be found at the dollar store). Attach tag using clear packing tape to the outside of bag and secure shut. Please ensure that these items are in good condition, clean with no stains or holes.

  • Blankets can be placed on a hanger and attached using safety pins, folded and pinned to the hanger. Smaller receiving blankets can be placed inside(single or multiples) a ziploc bag.

  • Any fragile items must be packaged safely to keep from breaking during the sale.

  • Shopping Cart and High Chair Covers should be hung on a hanger. Shoppers are able to view the items easier if displayed on a hanger.

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